Tuesday, August 17, 2010

college football and fashion, round I.

Are you ready for some (college) football ????? I'm getting a little tingle in my tummy thinking of what fall brings. The past couple of years I have not made it to as many games as I would've liked, but the ladies always plan at least one weekend during the season to make the trek up (or down) to Tallahassee and witness our Seminoles in all their glory (ahem- they ARE glorious whether winning or losing)!

To commemorate college football in the South, I am going to be offering a line of clutches that show off our school spirit. First up (and my personal favorite, duh) is a little number showcasing what else: garnet and gold. She comes with 2 detachable floral pins, so you can wear both on the bag or one on your shirt/hat/bikini top- whatever your fancy. Yay for GAMEDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!you like that vintage FSU t-shirt, don't ya?

I'll leave you with a couple images around the web that make me a happy little lady and get me FIRED UP for fall football!
credits clockwise from top left: fanpop, orlandosentinel, palmbeachpost
Can't forget Bobby- we'll miss you! credit.

And lastly, a fine photo taken by this amazing duo on our wedding day in front of Westcott Fountain. LOVE.

Want a clutch in your school's colors? Comment on the post with what you think round 2 should hold. Maybe I'll even offer up a little pre-season discount! :)


  1. Go Noles!! Love the clutch and your blog--will have to keep up with you from now on :)

  2. of course you need to hit us up ..I mean it's only fair since it's your hubby's fav :)... Go Knights!!!!

  3. Yay! How much are they?? My mother and sister will want one, too.


  4. hey brandi! i'm selling them in my etsy shop for $50- mention promo code fsu10 and you'll get 10% off. :)

  5. LOVE! Would love to see an Auburn version someday! :)

  6. Gorgeous! I saw your link on Rich's wall and asked him to pass my info onto you, but I can leave it here too. I'm launching "The Collegiate Couture" September 1st and would love to have your products for sale on our website. If you'd like info you can email me at Shannon@thecollegiatecouture.com. So talented!

  7. I love that idea for garnet and gold clutches!
