Seriously I cannot believe it is already November!!! This year has just completely flown right by. It's been one of the best years yet- married my best friend and found out that the right side of my brain was a lot more active than I gave it credit for- I feel very blessed and content.
Of course, there is always room for improvement and in my case, that means specifically honing better time management skills and getting my workload and work space organized and under control. If you remember way back to here, I had high, HIGH hopes of having my studio up and running back in the summer. It's a little behind schedule- the foosball table is still in it's spot and the sewing cabinet is still in it's natural, un-painted state, stuffed between the foosball table and fabric storage shelf...good times. Here it is in all it's glory (the picture was taken in it's old home...):
So before this year is over I plan to tackle those issues as well as a few others to get my 'business housekeeping' under control. I'm posting them publicly so that it's even more incentive to stick to it. I could wait til the new year to really buckle down on these goals but I'm hopeful by then that there will be some new and exciting creations I want to work on which will prompt a NEW goal set. Hooray!!!
So there they are in no particular order (along with a few personal goals I have as well):
- Finish writing business plan (I know I am way overdue on this one!!!)
- Donate the foosball table & have it removed
- Run with Moose 3 times a week
- Finish up all pending orders that were started in October
- Organize all receipts/bank accounts for accountant
- IKEA trip and shelf assembly for studio (foosball has to be gone first)
- Prepare our first Thanksgiving as a married couple
- Start new section of etsy site offering custom diaper bags
- All fabric and inventory organized (need shelf built first)
- Paint sewing cabinet (finally)
- Homemade dinners at least 3 times a week (including days with leftovers...)
- Finish watching all the past seasons of Bones
Holy moly. There are a lot of big goals on here, but really, all need to be completed by end of month so that holiday gift season and end of year will be as painless as possible. Can I do it? YES I CAN! :)
Of course you can! So proud and happy for you!! :) xoxo