But, it is time to set up my own area, behind closed doors, where I can organize, design, create and blast cheesy pop music if I want to without the judgment of the rest of the family. I see the sneaky sideways glances from Magnolia...judger!
So to start this off, the hubs graciously offered to get rid of the foosball table and we will be donating it to Big Brothers Big Sisters if they'll have it. Need to put that on the to do list for this weekend.
In it's place will be my sewing station which is getting delivered to me tonight!
DISCLAIMER: If you don't have the capacity to envision what the 'After' could look like, please don't read any further.
For those of you who can look past the 'Before', let's go!!
Let me introduce you to the first, official Oatmeal Lace Design furniture purchase. Picture it refinished, painted (a fun color, of course) and with new hardware. I am giddy thinking about how great it will be. :) Weather gods- please be kind this weekend and give me some sunshine. If anyone feels like sanding or painting please feel free to come join me. I'll provide cocktails and snacks!